Discover all the details of my motorcycle adventures around the world!

Transpyrenean Off Road

calendar_today DATE : 21-31 Août

speed DISTANCE : 3 800 KM

savings BUDGET : 510

L’ Aventure Complète

speedDISTANCE : 3 800 KM

two_wheelerROAD & TRAILS

night_shelterCAMPSITE, BIVOUAC & HOTEL: €150

lunch_diningFOOD & RESTAURANTS : 200€

local_gas_stationFUEL : 150€

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  • This trip will take you to three countries: France, L’Espagne et l’Andorre. Il faudra donc vous munir d’une carte Européenne d’assurance maladie.
  • Les portions off-road sont nombreuses mais vous passerez par de nombreux village, une autonomie de 250km est suffisant.


  • L’itinéraire de Paris à Collioure et de Saint-Jean-De-Luz à Paris est issus de Waze (option sans voies rapides).
  • The route taken to cross the Pyrenees is inspired by three sources (which often overlap):
  • La trace du TET Espagnol.
  • Une trace 4×4 récupérée sur WikiLoc.
  • The track taken by 52 Degrés Sud.
  • Some small portions have prohibition signs, I took the risk to pass there to avoid big detours but it is at your own risk tongue-out.

Tips & Tricks

  • It is forbidden to camp in the natural parks, so you have to look carefully before setting up camp to avoid unpleasant surprises.
  • Use a weather radar application to prevent yourself from rapid weather change between two side of a mountain.
  • L’essence est moins chère en Espagne voir beaucoup moins chère en Andorre qu’en France, n’oubliez pas d’y faire le plein !

Part 1: Paris => collioure & first tracks

speedDISTANCE : 1230 KM


night_shelterCAMPSITE & BIVOUAC : 30€

lunch_diningFOOD & SEASIDE BARS : 55€

local_gas_stationFUEL : 55€

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  • Bike CHECK ! Luggage CHECK ! Itinerary almost CHECK ! LET'S GO ! Departure in the early morning to begin the long ride from Paris to Collioure using only national roads.
  • Roads are rather straight, in good condition, we drive trough sunflower fields and forests, nothing better to get you on track !
  • From Mauriac, first reliefs appear and we really start to have fun on the D922.
  • The road that runs along the Lot Gorges is truly a paradise for motorcycles, I was lucky I did not encounter too much traffic but be careful on busy days!
  • I found a (great) bivouac spot on the shores of Lac de Castelnau-Lassouts. This free campground has barbecues, a water source and toilets.
  • Waze then delighted me by taking me through small winding roads passing by some pretty bridges.
  • Après 1000KM on aperçoit enfin la Méditérranée, les alentours d’Argeles-Sur-Mer sont très prisés et j’ai passé pas mal de temps dans les bouchons, la prochaine fois j’éviterai la côte.
  • The center of Collioure is nice with lots of restaurants and bars.
  • Les campings sont chers pour les prestations proposées, c’est pas grave on trouvera mieux après !
  • The crossing to Spain through the Baynuls pass was blocked by rocks (covid), a motorcycle just goes through.
  • The first tracks of the Spanish TET are good to get the hang of it but beware a portion is closed in summer for motorized vehicles. So I had to take an alternative trail which turned out to be very nice!
  • The portion of the trail after the village of Oix is complicated with beautiful and long climbs made of big rolling stones. No doubt the most complicated portion of this trip. Fortunately after 3-4KM the trail becomes easier.
  • I did not regret having persevered on this portion, the bivouac spot is really worth it! 


Part 2: Park of Cadi-Moixero & andorra

speedDISTANCE : 450 KM

two_wheelerRocky trails, climbs & roads

night_shelterCAMPSITE & BIVOUAC : 10€

lunch_diningFOOD & RESTAURANT : 30€

local_gas_stationFUEL : 30€

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  • After the bivouac we get back to some much simpler tracks than the portion of the day before.
  • If you're luckier than me, the mirador de la Creu de Fusta offers a great view of the valley.
  • Les pistes sont très simples, le revers de la médaille est que des citadines peuvent facilement y accéder, vous les verrez nombreuses. Cela n’enlève rien aux paysages toujours très beaux.
  • In the valley on the other side is a small village named Ribes de Freser where it is possible to eat.
  • The TET track that goes to Andorra has a complicated section that I could not cross. Only for experienced riders ! If you follow my track go directly south on the C16 to reach the natural park of Cadi-Moixero and prepare your credit card to pay the 10€ of the Cadi tunnel money-mouth
  • Le TET possède une autre portion que je n’ai pas eu le temps de prendre en raison de mon détour au Nord mais cette dernière semble intéressante, la prochaine fois peut-être !
  • If you are looking for a nice campsite in the area, do not hesitate to go to the Camping Mirador al Pedraforca, very good value for money. The restaurant is also an opportunity to taste local fast food wink.
  • Le lendemain est l’occasion de faire encore de belles pistes un peu plus techniques que la veille mais sans grande difficulté. Attention si vous prenez la trace dans l’autre sens la dernière partie avant la ville de Organyà monte fort avec de grosses pierres et des marches à franchir. Dans le sens de la descente ça passe facilement.
  • La remontée vers l’Andorre sur la nationale permet de se reposer briévement avant de reprendre le TET sur des pistes roulantes et bosselées, un pied !
  • The ascent to the top of the Pic Negre is rather simple despite a strong difference in altitude. The landscapes are absolutely incredible, theblack rock contrasts with the yellow grass and the view once at the top is breathtaking, get your cameras out !
  • En descendant vous passerez la vallée principale d’Andorre, n’oubliez pas d’y faire le plein ! Si vous avez des besoins en pièces vous y trouverez également des magasins de moto tous les 50 mètres tongue-out.
  • After the tumult of the civilization, we find peace while crossing back on the Spanish side, the way down is made of easy tracks.
  • I decided to go bivouac on a spot found in advance, ERROR ! A prohibition sign coldly greeted me and I had to find a solution in emergency.

Part 3: mount aneto, jaca & castillo de marcuello

speedDISTANCE : 450 KM

two_wheelerROADS, ruts & roads

night_shelterHOTEL & BIVOUAC : 85€

lunch_diningFOOD & RESTAURANT : 40€

local_gas_stationFUEL : 15€

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  • L’avantage de dormir aux pieds des pistes c’est que dès le réveille on y retourne, le village de Bagergue est joli et il y a quelques restaurants, malheureusement aucun d’entre eux n’étaient ouvert à 8h00 pour prendre un petit déjeuner.
  • After one hour and a half of riding, we head south on the N-230 that goes along the river Noguera Ribagorçana.
  • Once the Mount Aneto is behind, head east on rolling trails made of red dirt that skirt the mountains offering beautiful views.
  • The way down is made by wide winding tracks that end up forming ruts in tall grass.
  • The last stretch of track goes downhill really hard with nice hairpins and rolling rocks, be careful not to pick up too much speed! If possible disconnect the ABS.
  • On the way along the canyon of Niscle, you will meet a lot of cars and camper van but it is worth the detour.
  • The end of the day is entirely made of national roads to reach the city of Jaca. It is the only big city of the trip and the streets are very lively. This is an opportunity to refuel in one of the many tapas bars !
  • Le lendemain, je suis reparti vers le Nord pour faire une portion du TET qui est sans grand intérêt, je vous conseille de vous diriger directement vers le désert des Bardenas. Il est possible de la rallier en une journée mais j’ai préféré le faire en deux fois.
  • The trails are easy and starting to get sandier
  • Do not miss the ruin of the Castillo de Marcuello, an 11th century ruin that marks the end of the Pyrenees.

Part 4 : Bardenas Reales desert

speedDISTANCE : 550 KM


night_shelterCAMPSITE & BIVOUAC : 15€

lunch_diningFOOD & RESTAURANT : 30€

local_gas_stationFUEL : 20€

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  • The first tracks are increasingly made up of sand, it's a handful to take, especially on the turns.
  • Si vous suivez ma trace, vous remarquerez que j’ai pas mal jardiné aux alentours de la ville de Luna.
  • The mountains are behind and the tracks are wide and rolling.
  • Sur le chemin ne manquez pas les ruines de l’Aqueduc de Los Bagnales construits au 1er siècle par les Romains.
  • We then enter the Natural Park of the Bardenas Reales through the most touristy part (Bara Blanca), which looks like the American West. It is forbidden to leave the track and the speed is controlled there. The loop takes about 1 hour.
  • The southern part (Bardenas Negra) is often forgotten, the TET track goes through it and it takes 2 hours to cover the countless curves. The landscapes are wooded and much less traveled.
  • Le bivouac dans le désert des Bardenas est strictement interdit mais il y a quelques emplacements gratuits dans les villages limitrophes. Un conseil, évitez celui que j’ai choisi yell.
  • J’ai décidé de suivre le TET au maximum pour remonter vers les Pyrénées. La trace passe par des champs et des fermes industrielles sans grand intérêt. A refaire je prendrais directement la nationale depuis la ville de Tudela.
  • You will cross the lake of Yesa where it is possible to take a dive. Unfortunately for me, it was empty because of works on the dam.

Part 5: Basque country and return to Paris

speedDISTANCE : 1150 KM


night_shelterCAMPSITE & BIVOUAC : 10€

lunch_diningFOOD & RESTAURANT : 40€

local_gas_stationFUEL : 30€

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  • The first forest roads are simple but beware of hikers who are numerous.
  • The trail then becomes more technical, clear tracks turn into single tracks through the grass before almost completely disappearing.
  • Le village d’Ochagavia permet de reprendre des forces.
  • L’après midi est plus simple on retrouve de superbes pistes roulantes. Ici aussi, attention aux randonneurs.
  • A portion of the trail is forbidden around Tapla Pass but getting around it takes about 2 hours of driving, so I made the decision to do the 2-3KM making myself very small.
  • The descent towards the valley is done by asphalt roads then by the national road.
  • We find the tracks to pass in the French Basque Country without great difficulty before making a portion of road between the French and Spanish side.
  • It is possible to reach Saint-Jean-De-Luz during the day but I preferred to make a last bivouac at the edge of the tracks to enjoy a great view.
  • Les derniers kilomètres de pistes avant l’Océan sont simples et très fréquentés car facile d’accès.
  • Here we are, you did it ! The crossing of the Pyrenees is complete!
  • Le retour sur Paris par les nationales se fait en une journée non sans souffrance, à refaire je prendrais l’autoroute.